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Ibis HD6 XT

Ibis HD6 XT
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The 29? front wheel, bol­stered by 180mm of trav­el, assures sta­bil­i­ty, where­as the 27.5? rear wheel allows for addi­tion­al maneu­ver­abil­i­ty. The 165mm of trav­el skill­ful­ly man­ages any fall­out. With a 64 degree head tube angle (one degree slack­er than the cur­rent Rip­mo), a BB height sim­i­lar to Mojo HD5, and chain­stay length iden­ti­cal to the cur­rent Rip­mo (despite the 27.5? rear wheel), the bike main­tains an equi­lib­ri­um between agili­ty and stability.

In order to place every size rid­er in the same posi­tion over the rear wheel, the HD’s seat tube angles get steep­er as frame size increas­es. With four sizes, this would have result­ed in larg­er jumps in reach, so we added a fifth size. The small­er incre­ments across five sizes means that you can find just the right size. We encour­age rid­ers to choose their bike size based on their desired reach and top tube measurements.

Our upper link sus­pen­sion lay­out is pro­gres­sive enough to be sen­si­tive off the top, yet sup­port­ive enough for the biggest hits. It is also com­pat­i­ble with all coil shocks, for those longer race stages that can tax air shock performance.

The sus­pen­sion lay­out may be new, but it’s still DW-Link. The inher­ent effi­cien­cy means you don’t need an over­damped shock to climb well. Less shock damp­ing allows the wheels to stay plant­ed on the ground, pro­vid­ing more trac­tion and that hov­er-bike feel that our frames are known for. The HD6 climbs with a finesse that defies its enduro race pedigree.

Our cus­tom tuned front and rear sus­pen­sion fea­ture extra light high speed com­pres­sion and rebound damp­ing to deliv­er unpar­al­leled trac­tion. This allows the wheels to flut­ter through rough ter­rain like a tro­phy truck storm­ing through a set of whoops. To learn more about our Trac­tion Tune phi­los­o­phy, click here.

Tired of buy­ing bear­ings each sea­son? So were we. That’s why we’ve strate­gi­cal­ly employed bush­ings where they’re most effec­tive and bear­ings else­where. The IGUS bush­ings in our low­er link are not only lighter and stiffer, they’re vir­tu­al­ly main­te­nance-free. We believe so strong­ly in them, we back them with free life­time replacement.

All our bikes are built from the high­est grade mate­ri­als and opti­mized for the best strength, weight, stiff­ness, and ride per­for­mance?—?no mat­ter how much you spend. The HD6 frame is sub 6 lbs with­out shock and our com­plete Enduro ready builds weigh as lit­tle as 32 lbs.

Bikes that look pret­ty on the out­side should look pret­ty on the inside. We use car­bon fiber tubes mold­ed with­in each frame. Push the cable in, watch it pop out?—?a beau­ti­ful moment indeed.

A thick rub­ber down­tube pro­tec­tor deflects debris, while our chain­stay pro­tec­tor fea­tures thick raised sec­tions to help damp­en chain slap noise. And our sim­­ple-yet-ele­­gant link­age pro­tec­tors stop mud and rocks thrown by the tire, keep­ing your beau­ti­ful bike beautiful.

If it’s our fault, we’ll fix it. Sim­ple as that.

Part Numbers

Option MPN Store SKU
Traffic Cone Orange / 1/Small
Traffic Cone Orange / 2/Medium
Traffic Cone Orange / 3/Large HDC3ORSXTAL35 IBI369145163
Traffic Cone Orange / 4/XL
Traffic Cone Orange / 5/XXL
Enchanted Forest Green / 1/Small
Enchanted Forest Green / 2/Medium
Enchanted Forest Green / 3/Large
Enchanted Forest Green / 4/XL
Enchanted Forest Green / 5/XXL
Lavender Haze / 1/Small
Lavender Haze / 2/Medium
Lavender Haze / 3/Large
Lavender Haze / 4/XL
Lavender Haze / 5/XXL
